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=> Journey to Israel 2008
=> Journey to Israel page 2
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Journey to Israel page 2

The next day, Thursday Dec12th,08, weh ad planned a trip to Capernaum and the sea of Galilee. I know two translations of the word Capernaum:

  1. Place of the man named Nahum ( comforting, compassionate)

  2. Place of comfort

On the way there is of course a cloud  that falls into my eye. A woman in a praying position, either giving or receiving.

Receiving, 5.December 2008  rights by Deborah

Today, Jan 13th,2009 I find the solution to the puzzle in the blogg by Talitakum, in her article „Yahweh Shalom“ – the god of salvation (blog link see under links).

In the synagogue at Capernaum Jesus read the beginning of the scroll of Isaiah 61.

In Luke 4, 18-19 only a part is cited, building on rabbinical tradition of only citing the beginning of a passage knowing that the talmidim, disciples, know the passage.


In the gospel of John we find the phrase: As my father sent me, I send you.


In reasoning I understood the connection to Isaiah 61. Again and again I had experienced in awe the resonance of being a ambassador in the power of the Holy Spirit but now it was established in my heart. From Thinking to Doing to Being! I preach again and again that receiving happens by giving thanks: so Thank you my Lord and my God!

Bride of Christ....have you received?

Synagogue Kapernaum, December 08 rights by Deborah

Part of the program is of course a boat trip on the Sea Kinnereth close to Capernaum.
A beautiful image on glass reminds of the call of the apostles.

The Call, December 08, ©  Deborah

For lunch we went across to the other side to have, how else could it be: Peters fish. For dessert we had very fresh dates. So very fresh they were simply deliciuos!


The word describes crossings of the sea in stormy waether and of the anxiety of the disciples. When we set offshore the wind took up. Crossing I was reminded of home- the seagulls, the duning oft he waves and the sea spray.

We showed each other the shots we had made. “Look, it looks like a face in anxiety!” I had not looked at it that way yet.

When we got back, the wind died down too.

oooooooooh, December 08. © Deborah

Later we went by bus to this place with this spectacular panorama over the Golan hights. The shadows were painting a heart into the mountain!

Heart of the Golan, December 08, © Deborah

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aus Offenbarung 5
...eine Harfe und goldene Schalen voller Räucherwerk, das sind die Gebete der Heiligen...