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The Branch of the Almond Tree

out of Jeremiah                                                       

What do you see?.........
I see a branch or shoot of an almond tree......
You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it........

Jeremiah 1,11.12

ein BildAlmond Branch, 2003, all rights by: Deborah

What does intercession have to do with the branch of an almond tree?

Gods talking with  Jeremiah sets an example of teamwork, which can extend your tools of  intercession. The Dimension of Seeing and Vision will be  included.

Definition of Intercession: ....praying for others; standing in the gap,stand up a wall, building a bridge of prayer between a needy person and  God. - like Jesus. Ezekiel 22,30+John 17

ein Bild
The Gap and the Bridge, 2007, all rights by : Deborah

permission for individual  personal use allows up to 50 bibleverses, IBS,
bibleverses are marked (NIV)

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