Deborah's Homepage
Der Mandelzweig
Gott gibt Gebet, um es zu erhören..
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Israelreise 2008
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2011 - Vertrauen
=> 2011 - Trust
2012 - Gott kann
2013 - Jeremia
2014 - Die Fackel
2015 - Der Hirte
2016 - König Jesus
2017 - Shofar
2018 - Freude
2019 - Licht
2020 - Vertrauen
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2024 - Abba, lieber Vater
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2011 - Trust

This year began with the word:

"Trust me"

This word reached me in awkward circumstances as I layed with high fever and listened to the fireworks at midnight on new year.
I was sad and thought: "LORD, I am so sorry, that I do not have the strength this year to come before you as I do every year this time, to ask for your word!"

In that moment I perceived HIS presence and very softly HE said „trust me“.

That meant encouragement and teaching fort he whole year…lots has happened…challenging…not really easy…

It is one thing to be saved by grace, as is written in the letter of Romans...
...quite another to let it take action, to let this saving grace do its work in ones past.

Now that I am planning my next journey, God let me see something to set in motion...

One of my hobbys is knitting… prayerfully, or to say it differently, knitted prayers. Well, yes I might have a tic. (in german we say „„.ich hab ne Meise *gggg* which is a friendly expression here. A „Meise“ is a tomtit ) Some time ago I got some wool for a present- wonderfully colored

A vine with dark,ripe grapes

…with the fitting green of leaves. It is a real tomtit since the firm, which produced the wool is called in german „Rohrspatz & Wollmeise“.(fishwife&tomtit quality yarn)…first class! My friend made an investment with that, to get me a „tomtit“. So I can rightfully state, that I have a „tomtit/tic“ *giggle*

my tomtit, 2011 rights Deborah

The Covenant

and is related to the covenant, Jesus made with us with God- Father. By faith and trust we are part of this covenant!

So, while I knit during my vacation, having time to fully concentrate, I see the yarn and its colours and take to heart all, the Holy Spirit makes important to me about the subject „covenant“.

I (Jesus) am the vine and you are the branches…without me you cannot do anything…

3.12.11  Storm outside…blasts of wind up to 9bft.I am disturbed…what about the boat?- the train?...the plane? trust is tested…how much information do I have to gather about wether I will get safely on my journey and where does sorrow start?

While in the middle of these thoughts, I receive a call from a friend who wants to pray a blessing for my journey.While I listen, the words come laying around me like a warm coat :

Lord, our God, God of our fathers, may it be your will, to guide Deborah in peace, to direct her steps on the path of peace and to lead her safely to her destination.

Protect her from all danger while on her way,keep her from accidents and misfortune, that bring unrest over the world.

Bless the work of her hands. Let her find grace and mercy before your eyes, understanding and friendlyness with all, who meet her. Hear her prayers. Praise to you,o God, who answers to prayers. Amen.                       Jewish prayer for travel personalized

The flight went smoothly, I arrived well…the appartment is comfortable…so, resting…looking around and …prayerknitting...

While working on the peace, I realize, that I make way more mistakes than ever before. Loosing count of the pattern…until it hits me. The number of rows to knit is
24.....Psalm 24.... Lift up your heads, you gates;be lifted up, you ancient doors,that the King of glory may come in. Since then, the knitting proceeds smoothly…

Now that my spirit came to rest, I listen to a sermon by Derek Prince on my ipod.It moves me and again, like on a former the words accompany me:
The cross breaks all bewitchment. 


Exciting and eyeopening, what I find in the term bewitchment… not little showpieces…but everything, Luther once translated with the term „flesh“.
It is well conceiled! Yet cannot stand the light of God.

And so it suddenly becomes apparent, how the flesh, that died on the cross and was buried in baptism when conversed, gets reanimated by an unattentively spoken word by Luther said, referring to the time after baptism: …but that bitch can swim…“

By that, he spoke imprisonment for centuries over millions of believers.

By these words, a force of lies could enter into christian life, making the old flesh well and alive and leading astray. In Jesus‘ name and his covenant ,we have authority to discharge these confusing companions. So, out they go!

The literal translation of covenanting in hebrew is: to cut a covenant. In 1. Mose 15 Abraham witnessed in his vision the first covenant „being cut“ with God.

Now my knitting piece is ready and you can see, that it resembles the path of the offering layed out to the left and the right. The pattern of the vine, the allegory of our belonging to Christ by the covenant of his blood…The shawl represents the covenant with the ultimate offering, Jesus.

The Covenant, rights by Deborah 2011


As always towards the end of my journey, God shows me a heart. So I expect to find one now too. To my surprise, this time HE showed it to me quite in the beginning…and then one of stone…

a firm heart, rights Deborah 2011 first I was puzzled…a heart of stone????So I examined what this could mean. An admonition? No, that impression was not confirmed, so it had to mean somthing different…

until it came to me…God meant a firm heart!

 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods, which is of no benefit to those who do so. Hebr 13,9

Everthings fits! While knitting, „Touch the Nations“ had a prayer series posted on Joseph fort he three weeks coinciding with my journey. Joseph stood firm, he kept a firm heart in the works and temptations oft he flesh.

To fly with sun up always is an uplifting experience.At first the sun rose
above us and the the light shun from the plane in plain view from my seat.

sunrise, rights Deborah 2011

 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Maleachi 4,2






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...eine Harfe und goldene Schalen voller Räucherwerk, das sind die Gebete der Heiligen...